25 May 2010

God morgen! Good morning!
Dagen er fylt med møter, jobb og innspurt med en stor oppgave som skal inn neste uke. Det er bare å brette opp ermene disse dagene og få det gjort! Presser inn en effektiv treningsøkt i dag, min erfaring viser at det gir sår tiltrengt overskudd på slike lange dager. Gleder meg til det.
Viser noen bilder av noen søte små som har vært med i familien i rundt 50 år:)

The day is filled with meetings, work and the final process of a big task which is due to be finished next week. There's nothing else to do but pull up the sleeves and get it done! I'm taking the time to have a work-out today, my experience is that it gives some much needed energy on such bussy days. Looking forward to that.
Here are some pictures of some little friends that has been in the family for around 50 years:)

-Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Have the very best day this Thursday!
Beste hilsen,
Lots of love,

19 May 2010

Sommer og sol

God morgen/good morning!

Strålende sol og sommer-morgen her jeg sitter på balkongen og drikker morgenkaffen. Hadde en fantastisk hyggelig 17.mai-feiring, om ikke så mye sol så veldig deilig temperaturer. Håper alle i Norge hadde en fin markering av nasjonaldagen vår - jeg synes det er en fantastisk hyggelig dag å ta vare på :-)
I dag reiser jeg vestover etter en stund i storbyen, bursdagsfeiring står på programmet!

Have a very good day!
Remember to embrace kindness:-)
All the best,

17 May 2010

-our National Day here in Norway!

16 May 2010

Bussy days...

A time for work, just have to keep focus on that a bit. There is a time for everything, is it not so? :-)
Hope everyone is having a blesses May-month.

Hope is believing in spite of evidence,then watching the evidence change.

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.

9 May 2010

A couple of weeks ago the spring really blossemd - Of course we had to use the opportunity to take our boat for a first ride this year! It was a lovely day and really wonderful to feel the salt of the sea and the familiar sound of our Saab-engine in our precious 26 feet wooden boat.

Our boathouse.

A little ferry that goes in a shuttle between the main-land and a small island of 100 inhabitants.
Have a very beautiful Sunday !

Wherever you go, whoever you meet, and whatever you do, give love and appreciation, because that is your true nature. How do you know it is your true nature? You feel so good when you are giving it!

- Unknown

Love Masy

3 May 2010


Today is a new day!

You can start fresh and begin again.
Practice compassion.
Stand up for justice.
Talk to strangers.
Ask for help,
offer hope.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Listen with your whole heart!
Love well!
Embrace kindness!

Have the most wonderful Monday!!!!!!!!!! :-))))

All the best,