27 June 2010

Flowers on a Sunday

Came home a couple of days ago, new flowers in full bloom.
Her på Vestlandet venter sommeren på seg, men vi nyter dagene likevel. Håper du og dine gjør det samme! :o) /

Here in the western part of Norway, summer-sunshine is still awaiting. But we are enjoying our days regarless of weather, hope you are doing the same! :o)

Ha en riktig god søndags kveld!
Have a very nice Sunday evening!


15 June 2010

Time to go to market circa 1919?
Rationing-card had to be brought of course to buy peas.

Et av rasjoneringskortene jeg fant i en av mine eventyrjakter blant ting og tang. Rasjoneringskort måtte til! Det er rammet opp og henger på veggen:)


Vær vennlig og glad mot alle du møter så får du garantert et smil tilbake på din vei!/
Wear a cheeful expression and give a smile to every creature you meet and you will surely get a smile back.

- Masy

8 June 2010


Summer on the way!!

Such a lovely time we are stepping into now, so nice to wake up to birds singing and sunshine!
I have a place in Oslo where I am these days and the city is beautifully filled with flowers and green parks. Just planted a lot of flowers on the balcony here, pictures to come:)

Here are some old letters from familiy-members who went to America to try their fortune in a time with great difficulties in our country. Very fascinating to read. Stories and great adventures from far away times, from people who I never knew but is my family. It's a very precious memory to have and I'm very grateful to have them! :)

Enjoy your day!