14 March 2010


Half-way through the first spring-month! The snow is slowly starting to melt here, and the sun is shining stronger everyday. I had an outdoor-coffee for the first time a week ago, and looking forward to many more! The picture is of one of our bushes in full bloom in May month last year. I just love the colors, hope you like it. Have a very good day!

Much happiness is overlooked because it doesn’t cost anything. - Unknown

Love, Masy


  1. Åh vilken fin gammal väckarklocka du har, den blev jag kär i. Vi drack kaffe ute i solen i förra veckan, helt underbart.

    Tack för titten hos mig

    Ha en bra dag

    Kram Lena

  2. Jag älskar den gröna lilla fotogenlampan!min mamma och pappa har en likadan, plus två i samma storlek fast i annan färg. de står alltid framme till jul. så jag skulle gärna hitta tre sådana likadan på loppis någon gång..:)
    ha en fin onsdag!

  3. Hi Masy beautiful plant !!

    Finaly the weather is also good her today and tomorrow 15 degrees!! sun is shining !!

    Iam happy now !! enjoy...hugs Ria

  4. Masy, Your house and where it's situated looks like something out of a story book - Beautiful.

  5. Så flotte ting du har i vinduet. Virkelig sjel over dette. Som ellers på bloggen din og.

    Ha en fin kveld.


  6. Thanks for all of the wonderful comments! It really makes me happy that you can find a joy in what I'm sharing. Thank you so very much all of you!!
    Lots of love,
