19 March 2010


Suddenly the rain came!

I think it's spring that's showing itself off.

The snow is melting and my wool-coat all of a sudden got pretty warm to be walking around in.
Not so strange maybe, as I read the temperature it was +6 degrees and not -6 (and lower) which has been the normal the last months.
I have found my umbrella and my raincoat and think it's time to welcome Miss Spring and say goodbye to Mr. Winter.
Maybe a small get-together with Winter around Easter, but then our steps have to go in different directions.

Until next year, my friend!

Wonderful Winter

Sweetest Spring

Have a good friday!
Lots of love from


  1. Hi Masy

    Welcome to the spring !! you have right !! and goodby to the winter ......beautiful !! pictures !!

    Enjoy weekend hugs Ria

  2. Kul att du kikade in hos mig.Fina bilder och vacker miljö.Trevlig helg!
